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The plot

The protagonist of the film is the structure itself of   the film and the attempt to piece together  fragments of incomplete moments of life. The film was shot in 35 mm in Color, there are forty actors involved in the cast, and the content, while not violent, is harsh. THE DRESS REHEARSAL too was banned and censured from the Government  authorities for blasphemy, irrational violence, outrage to the Flag, outrage to Religion and outrage   to the Unknown Soldier. The result is that it has never been released because no one wants it.  As usual, however, the young people all over Europe liked the film.

Romano Scavolini 

Writer & Director

Produced by ENZO NASSO - 1968

Starring : Lou Castel, Frank Wolf, Maria Monti, Leopoldo Trieste, Carlo Cecchi, Laura Troschel, Joseph Valdambrini, Valentino Zeichen, Emiliano Tolve, Remo Remotti, Sarah Di Nepi, Guido Alberti.

Director of Photography : Giulio Albonico

Edited by Luciano Cavalieri
Music : Egisto Macchi

Officially invited at Berlin International Film Festival, Karlovy Vary International Film festival, Pesaro Independent Film Festival, Moscow International Film festival, San Sebastian International Film Festival.

Awarded by the Italian Ministry of Art & Entertainment as the BEST FILM OF THE YEAR Equally Shared with Luis Buñel’s film : “The Discret Charm of the Bourgeoisie”.
