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B/W 16 mm - Germany - 1959 Running time about 82 minutes

Written, Produced & Directed by Romano Scavolini

Director of Photography: Arthur Kidalla

Cast: Hanna Kidalla, Peter Dieterle, Hugo Stinch, Romano Scavolini,

Production Notes

 An autobiographical tale of a worker in a foreign country who finds himself fired and evicted. The film was edited with scissors, piece by piece, on the windows of the barrack where the author lived in Germany. When the Author went back to Italy and found work in a night club, he would sometimes project his 82’ film shot in 16 mm to the customers. One night an American film critic saw the film and wanted to take it with him in the States to show it in New York.  It was the Author’s only copy and the film went lost forever.